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receptive. It starts receiving from the positive and builds say  male and female they are two, when we say  male-
with its qualities  Will, Knowledge and Activity  the female they are two in one and one in two. This is the
successive states of material from root-matter to dense evolutionary process.
physical matter. Thus Shakti is an outgoing energy that From the above description we may summarize that
gets into involution and creates in the involutionary it is one becoming two to cause manifestation, that it
process successive states of root-matter up to the dense is the centre becoming bi-polar. With the centre, the
physical. All this Shakti does as a feminine/negative/ bi-polar constitutes the primary triangle.
receptive energy with its qualities drawing support from With this basic understanding as the background
the neutral that became positive, which stays stable and we can now try to understand the understanding of the
supports the work of Shakti at all levels. scientists relating to the atom. In the atom the scientists
Within the human, the centre for Siva is at the top found a neutron, a proton and an electron. The neutron
of the head, i.e. Sahasrara. It is the positive pole. The can be seen as the centre from which there is moving
centre for Shakti is Muladhara. It is the negative pole. out of energy which revolves around the centre. This is
This is explained as descent of Kundalini energy, which electron. When electron emerges, the neutron becomes
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proton to counterbalance the activity of electron. The religions. The positive energy, the negative and the
energy of proton is called positive energy. The energy neutral energy constitute the trinity. Using different
of electron is called negative outgoing energy. See the terms it can be said spirit, matter and consciousness.
similarity between the scriptural science and the science spirit can also be called atma, matter can be called
of the 20th century. Both recognize simultaneous manas and consciousness can be called buddhi. In
emergence of bi-polar supporting each other. To be still another system it can be called Siva, Brahma,
more accurate, the activity of the negative is supported and Vishnu, or First, Third and Second, or Electrical
by the stable positive. The positive is stable, the negative Fire, Frictional Fire and Solar Fire. In all these, what
is ever moving. should be understood is Spirit, Matter and their state
The above male-female system appropriately fits of equilibrium.
into the theme of Mitra, Varuna and Aryama. Mitra When we speak of electron, we are essentially speaking
is the positive, stable, staying energy. It is the content of the negative energy which causes manifestation. The
as explained earlier. Varuna is the moving, penetrating work on hand today is manifestation of Kingdom of
energy with immeasurable velocity. It prepares the God upon Earth. It is not disappearance of matter
containers for the content to stay in, in various states. into spirit. It is to cause transmutations to matter
Mitra is male, Varuna is female. Mitra rules the East, to enable matter to reach buddhic planes and in the
Varuna rules the West. East stands symbolically for buddhic plane there is the meeting of spirit and matter.
Spirit, West stands symbolically for Matter. The two Electron is helping towards such manifestations as you
are equilibrated by Aryama. These three are the Vedic transmute matter into fourth etheric state which is
supra-cosmic beings which our groups regularly invoke, buddhic state (matter, water and fire being the primary
though unconsciously. denser states of ether). In the buddhic plane there is
It can be fairly understood from the above over- the happy union of spirit and matter. This is relatable
simplified presentation, over-simplified for purposes to the heart centre. Matter ascends by three centres
of brevity and also for easy comprehension, that there to reach the fourth centre of heart. Spirit descends
is an essential unity that develops into bi-polar, with by three centres to unite with ethereal (transmuted,
the original state of unity forming a triangle with thereby purified) matter. Then there is manifestation
the bi-polar system. Simply, this is the trinity of all of light. This is the vision of the spiritual scientists.
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Note that it is the inter-attraction between the positive negative electric charge. It is a spin-lepton that
and negative electricity that enables meeting of the two participates in electromagnetic interactions, and its
to enable manifestation of light. Meeting of matter mass is approximately 1/1836 of that of the proton.
and spirit in the heart causes manifestation of solar/ Together with atomic nuclei, which consist of protons
electrical light. and neutrons, electrons make up atoms. The interaction
A Treatise on Cosmic Fire carries many hints of electron(s) of an atom with the electrons of adjacent
relating to this. nuclei is the cause for chemical bonding.
Let us now get into certain basics of electron and
the understanding gained in recent times.
The scientist, who noticed the activity of electron,
coined the term electron in 1894. The electron as a
unit of charge in electro-chemistry was found by the
scientist in the year 1874. Mark that the first thought
of electron came to be in 1874 and the Aquarian Age
is said to be inaugurated in the year 1875. Such events
are not accidental. As the Aquarian Age ushering in, the
thought of electron arrived into the intuitional planes
of an electro-chemist. He should be remembered for
this reception of the impulse that turned out to be an
idea for electron. He was an Irish man named Johnstone
Stoney. As it occurred to him he worked further with it
and ultimately coined the term electron in 1894.
Later, a British physicist by name Joseph John
Thompson was credited for the discovery of electron
in 1906.
The electron is defined by science as under  electron
is a fundamental subatomic particle that carries a
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meaning, not two but one. It is the state where even
the contemplating one is absorbed into that which
15 is being contemplated. The eighth step of Yoga,
Samadhi, relates to this state of Absolute Existence.
Metaphysics  Quantum Physics  Uranus Many concepts of God are worshipped as God; but
they are concepts. Yet, since they are concepts of God,
Metaphysics is the abstract science where there is ideation they give the experience of God. But to be absorbed
of the nameless one, the formless one, the unspeakable into that we have to transcend the concepts. Concepts
one, the one beyond all qualities, beyond all discussion are the means, concepts are not the end. In so far as
and beyond comprehension. All comprehension comes you are experiencing the God, you are there, the God
from it. All qualities emerge from it. All sounds come is there and experiencing is there. Isn t it? When you
from it, thence the names. All forms come from it, so are experiencing, it is a state of three. There is the one
it is the basis of all that is. Ideation upon such Pure who is experiencing; and there is that which is being
Existence, which is called in scriptures as is the experienced and there is the process of experiencing.
major characteristic of Aquarian Age. Uranus helps Therefore experiencing God is a secondary state to that
this contemplation as it builds the bridge between of becoming one with that state. But, if the three are
the unknown and the known at all levels up to the absorbed into the one, it is pure experience into which
absolute. This bridge is the  aquarian passage . In the the experiencing one is absorbed. This passage of three
Veda this God Absolute is called Para Brahman. This becoming one is Aquarian Passage. From individual
contemplation is the final absorption of the individual Be-ness one passes through Dhyana (meditation) to
consciousness into the universal consciousness, and the be Be-ness Absolute. When it is Absolute, there is no [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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