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upset. This would distress her. Kliven turned and left.
Kael looked down at Saleeya.  Mate, I ll pray to Xian that you
quickly heal. I m not angry with you. I hurt with you. I ll see to this
matter. Mia, you re under our protection. Go with Saleeya and don t
worry. Kael turned to leave. Saleeya touched his arm to gain his
 Kael, Saleeya whispered.  I m sorry.
130 Ciara Lake
Kael turned and hugged her to him and kissed the top of her head.
 You ve no need to apologize to me. You ve done nothing wrong
other than putting the talks before yourself. I ll have to work on that
 I only wanted to touch and hold you for a moment. Saleeya s
voice was emotional. Kael kissed the tears that ran down her face.
 Your tears are so salty. The expression on his face showed that
his emotions burned hotter as he held her.
Xihirah 131
Chapter Eight
 I m going to rip Vitalion apart and throw his remains to the
carrion eaters, Kael said to himself. Rage pulsed through his blood.
Kael stormed through the corridors, ignoring those scurrying from his
path. How dare that sniveling bastard touch her! Treating her like
some common whore. She s the mate of royalty, and I ll show the
worthless human just what that means. His anger flamed with each
passing second.
 Kael, wait, I ve already had Vitalion discreetly arrested. His
father stopped him at the dining room doors.  I instructed Thyson to
contact the Kriton government to explain that charges are being
brought against Vitalion.
Kael growled, every part of him screaming to just rip and shred.
 Son, trust me, our security recordings are being reviewed from
all common areas to collect further evidence. Kriton will,
undoubtedly, send one of their best legal representatives. Anger
simmered within his father s eyes as he offered his explanation.  It s
best to let me handle this, now, son. We don t need him crying foul at
this point.
Kael sighed. It was entirely likely his father realized just how
tenuous his control was. Growling in frustration, he raked a hand
down his face.  She deserves better than some& 
 Kael, this way is better for all. For Saleeya it will be justice to
have this heard appropriately by the Council. Let s try to not show our
less-than-human side, Kliven implored.
 I m sick of being properly human for these weaklings. Father, if
this was about Mother, you wouldn t be worried about exposing our
132 Ciara Lake
less-than-human side. Kael bristled. He flexed his hands in an
attempt to control his temper.
 Kael, I d want you to advise me the same way. We have the
civilized universe watching us. Most of the Council here are Earthen
humanoids, those that aren t known and understand the need for
delicacy. We don t want them to think we re irrational animals, as so
many want to claim. Don t give them reason to support Tomron s
beliefs. Kael, I understand how you feel. Like you, I want Vitalion to
suffer the consequences of his actions. More than anything, I, too,
desire retribution for Saleeya s injury. Vitalion knew she was under
our protection. And we will protect her and see that justice is done.
Kliven shook his head, anger tightening his voice.  Saleeya waited to
tell you because she didn t want an incident in front of all those
spectators and Council members. Let us honor her forethought,
Kliven pointed out.
 Your Royal Lordship and Admoncor Braeden. A junior officer
approached, a look of unease and uncertainty on his face.
 Officer Trivane, what is it? Kael responded gruffly.
 Palace Security has located a vid of the incident between
Princess Saleeya and Minister Troyic Vitalion. It s available for you
to view. Additionally, the Kriton Transport has left Spaceport with
Jarvin Manntree aboard. It s in orbit at the moment. The Kriton
Congress is sending a legal representative right away. Officer
Trivane s breathing was rapid.
 Send the security vid to my father s office and we ll view it now.
Where are we holding Vitalion?
 We re holding Vitalion in the Palace s holding cells to await
your disposition. I ll transfer the vid to your father s office as soon as
you arrive, Trivane explained.
Following his father to his office, Kael couldn t shake the knot of
unease that tangled in his belly.  How the fuck did they get
authorization to leave our Spaceport and break free from our
clamping system? How did Manntree make it to the Space Terminal
Xihirah 133
so quickly? Kael headed toward his father s office. As he walked, he
questioned and issued orders. Trivane, a smaller Xihirian shifter, ran
to keep up with Kael and Kliven. He rushed to respond to the
Admoncor s questions.
 They left without authorization, Admoncor, and damaged their
ship and our docking system, my Lord.
 The Kriton government will pay for the damage to our clamping
system. Get Thyson for me. I want our surveillance security ships
deployed to monitor what the Kriton ship is up to. Kael s growl [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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