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Hare - rebirth, rejuvenation, resurrection, intuition, balance, fertility, fire, madness,
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Hawk - Nobility, recollection, cleansing, messenger, observer, Solar, clarity,
discrimination, inspiration, the soul.
Herd animals - Horses, cattle, and pigs represent fertility.
Heron - Vigilance, quiet, power of water, the underworld, tact, delicacy, renewal, life,
Horse - Stamina, mobility, strength and power, coping under difficult circumstances, love,
devotion, loyalty, the land, travel. Life and death symbol, intellect, wisdom, power, nobility,
energy, freedom, wildness, divination, prophecy, fertility.
Hummingbird - Messenger, stopper of time, optimism, sweetness.
Jackal - Guide of souls, associated with cemeteries.
Jaguar - Messenger, forest spirits, power.
Kingfisher - Beauty, dignity, speed, calmness, serenity.
Leopard - Ferocity, aggression, intrepid, Great Watcher, courage, activity, speed.
Lion - Solar, splendor, power, majesty, strength, courage, nobility.
Lizard - Conservation, agility, promotes dreaming.
Moose - Headstrong, unstoppable, longevity, value, integrity.
Octopus - The spiral, water, unconscious.
Otter - Laughter, curiosity, mischievous, feminine power, grace, empathy, joy, play,
Owl - Wisdom, truth, patience, darkness, a death messenger, divination, solitude,
detachment, wisdom, change, totem of clairvoyants and mystics.
Python - Darkness, feminine, power of Earth, wisdom.
Rabbit - Alertness, nurturing.
Ram - Sacrifice, breakthrough, achievement, virility, creativity, the Sun, solar power.
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Raven - Trickster, teacher, hoarder, healing, initiation, protection, shaman's power,
transformation, change in consciousness, mark of a shape shifter.
Salmon - Instinct, persistence, determination, wisdom, inspiration, rejuvenation.
Seahorse - Confidence, grace.
Serpent - Life, rebirth, resurrection, wisdom, passion, healing, poison, preserver,
destroyer, malice, fertility. Serpents and dragons symbolize trouble. Whenever they
appear, strife and infertility follow.
Shark - Hunter, survival, adaptability.
Snake - Shrewdness, transformation, life, death and rebirth, rain, fertility.
Spider - Creative, pattern of life, connects the past with the future, creating possibilities.
Stag - Pride, independence, purification.
Swan - Grace, balance, innocence, faithfulness, solitude, retreat, poetry, sincerity.
Tiger - Creator, destroyer, strength, ferocity, power, anger, power of Earth.
Turtle - Self contained, creative source, Earth, informed decisions, planning, adaptability.
Unicorn - Chastity, purity, dreams, virtue, strength, integrity, magic, healing, freedom.
Whale - Power of Water, regeneration, death, rebirth.
Wolf - Loyalty, success, perseverance, stability, thought, pathfinder, teacher, intuition,
learning, the shadow.
Wolf Print - Tracking, movement.
Woodpecker- Prophecy, magic, power, guardian of trees, Heralds rain and storms.
Wren- Spirit, witchcraft, the Oak King.
Native American Cultural Animal Symbolism
Alligator - Stealth, Survival
Ant - Patience, Diligence and Work
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Antelope- Taking Action
Armadillo- Boundaries, Self Protection
Badger- Aggressiveness, Passion and Drive
Bat- Death and Rebirth on Personal, Spiritual Level
Bear- Gentle Strength, Introspection and Dreaming
Beaver- Building, Accomplishing Goals
Bee- Service, Gathering, Community
Bird- Unity, Freedom, Community
Buffalo- Abundance, Survival Needs Met, Good Fortune, Healing
Butterfly- Self Transformation, Balance, Grace
Bumblebee- Honesty, Pure Thinking, Willingness and Drive
Caribou- Travel and Mobility
Cougar- Power, Swiftness, Balance
Coyote- "The Trickster", Humor, Charm, Folly of Self-Deception and Survival
Crane- Water, End of Summer, Migration
Cricket- Singing, Spring, Fertility
Crow- Sacred Law, Gateway To Supernatural, Shape Shifting, Illusion
Deer- Gentleness, Compassion and Kindness
Dog- Protection and Loyalty
Dolphin- Joy, Harmony, Intelligence, Self Connection
Dove- Love, Gentleness and Kindness
Dragonfly- Dream-time, Illusion, Spring, Water
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Dolphin- Life Force, Rhythm and Breath
Eagle- Spirit Connection to Higher Realms, Courage
Elk- Stamina, Pride, Power, Majesty
Feather- Spirit
Firefly- Communication, Illumination
Fish- Water, Current, Flow of Life From the Earth
Fox- Camouflage, Adaptability and Integration
Frog- Fluidity, Water and Rain, Cleansing and Tears
Goat- Tenacity, Diligence
Goose- Safe Return, Love of Home
Hawk- Strength, Foresight, Truth
Hedgehog- Self Preservation
Heron- Patience, Grace
Horse- Physical and Spiritual Power, Carrier Of Burdens
Hummingbird- Pure Love and Joy, Celebration of Life
Ladybug- Delight, Trust
Lion- Pride, Nobility, Cunning, Courage
Lizard- Dreaming, Foresight, Ancient Secrets
Loon- Peace, Tranquility, Generosity
Lynx- Keeper of Mystical Secrets
Moose- Self Esteem, Assertiveness
Mountain Lion- Wisdom and Balance in Leadership
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Mouse- Scrutiny, Attention to Detail
Opossum- Strategy and Diversion
Otter- Earth and Water, Balanced Feminine Energy
Owl- Clairvoyance, Magic, Astral Projection
Parrot Feather- Bringer of Essential Rain and Seed
Peacock- Recognition, Self Assurance, Pride
Pelican- Abundance, Plenty
Pheasant- Warning, Concealment
Porcupine- Gentle Innocence and Trust
Quail- Protectiveness, Group Harmony
Rabbit- Fear, Overcoming Limiting Beliefs
Raccoon- Curiosity, Inquisitiveness
Ram- Strength, Determination
Raven- Bringer of Magic and Light, Creation and Knowledge
Roadrunner- Speed, Agility
Salmon- Dependability and Renewal
Sandpiper- Foraging, Scavenging, Quickness
Scorpion- Defense, Self Protection, Biting Truth
Seagull- Carefree Attitude, Versatility, Freedom
Seal- Inquisitiveness, Organization, Contentment
Snake- Transmutation, Life Cycles
Skunk- Reputation, Respect, Caution
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Snail- Perseverance, Determination
Snake- Power, Life Force, Sexual Potency
Spider- Weaving, Symbolism
Squirrel- Gathering, Preparation, Thrift
Swan- Grace, Surrender to the Universal Plan
Tadpole- Fertility and Renewal, Transformation
Turkey- Give Away, Sacrifice of Self and Others
Turtle- Mother Earth, Protection
Weasel- Stealth, Information Gathering
Whale- Historical Record Keeper, Traveler, Guardian
Wolf- Teacher of New Ideas and Wisdom, Intense Loyalty with Balance of Independence
Woodpecker- Change, Persistence
Angels often appear to people in the shape of humans of extraordinary beauty, and often
are not immediately recognized as angels; some fly through the air; some become invisible;
sacrifices touched by them are consumed by fire; and they may disappear in sacrificial
A spirit, usually a woman, appears before and Irishman when a member of his family dies.
Only the oldest Irish families who can trace their lineage to the legendary Irish heroes of
the Middle Ages have Banshees.
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