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often happens on both sides. Often only a vague ghostly shape is seen, or a depression in
the bed. The physical body should trust its projected double will be doing this and should
try to do the same, by thinking and concentrating and 'feeling' for where it's projected
double is 'supposed' to be. Once contact is made, memories will flood both ways and will
become cemented - making a strong and lasting impression upon the physical brain.
After the initial contact, the projected double should move away quickly to avoid
nauseating mental/visual feedback problems. This connection and memory downloading
process, if successful, can allow the duration of real time projections to be dramatically
extended. The projected double can periodically return to it's physical counterpart and
download (top up) it's projection memories. If this is done, I suggest no more than a few
minutes interval between each memory download. The projected double should also
reenter it's physical body the moment it detects signs it is tiring, or the moment it begins
experiencing reality fluctuations - which is a sure sign the dream mind is becoming
active, which indicates the physical mind is falling asleep.
Energy Raising During OOBE:
To increase out of body vitality and capability it is important to have enough energy
flowing from the physical/etheric bodies to the projected double. This is best done by the
projected double while it is out of body. It must reach out and 'feel' itself sucking energy
into itself, feeling energy rushing into it from it's physical body. This out of body
awareness action appears to create a strong energy demand in the projected double, which
causes an increased flow of energy from the physical/etheric body to meet this demand.
The increase in the clarity and ability this can cause during a projection can be quite
amazing, and happens very quickly. This technique is especially useful if you have
projection vision problems or blindness. Everything will noticeably brighten and light
will be seen all around the projector, lighting up the darkness and following them about
wherever you go. This technique can be used with great effect to solve or ease most
common projected double related weakness problems, visual or otherwise.
Note: This new set of 'improved' and 'simplified' deep physical relaxation exercises are
to replace those in the original Treatise.
The first big hurdle you need to overcome is deep physical relaxation. With the
thousands of letters I have had from people having problems achieving OOBE - one
problem area stands way out, DEEP PHYSICAL RELAXATION. Everyone seems to
rush through learning this, most important of skills, to get on with the more interesting
stuff, like the projection attempt itself. But, as with any type of metaphysical
development (metaphysical = mind science) any skill not thoroughly learned will
eventually stop the aspirant cold, forcing them right back to the beginning to learn it
properly before they can proceed.
More time must be spent learning the skill of totally relaxing your physical body
than with any other skill - it is THAT important. Relaxation is a progressive skill that can
be learned and improved with time and practise. The biggest problem with deep physical
relaxation, in the early stages, is that it takes so long that if done properly as part of a
projection attempt the projector can become mentally exhausted or bored. This can ruin a
projection attempt as the projector may then have little energy or enthusiasm for the exit.
If this becomes a problem, I suggest deep physical relaxation be learned and practiced
regularly but 'separately' from projection attempts, until such time as the projector can
attain deep physical relaxation fairly quickly.
A deep level of physical relaxation is absolutely necessary to consciously project
your astral body. This is quite easy to achieve, though, if you go about it in the right way
and practice regularly.
Deep physical relaxation plus a clear mind = Trance State
The trance state is achieved when the physical body goes to sleep while the mind
stays awake and in control of itself. A conscious exit projector needs to be able to attain
some level of the trance state before they can successfully project out of their body.
Deep physical relaxation leads to and naturally brings about the trance state. The trance
state is entered automatically once the physical body enters a deeply enough relaxed
*Important Note: Just as sleep is possible without deep physical relaxation, so is
the trance state. It is quite easy to fall asleep and even enter the trance state while
stressed and full of tension, relying on physical/mental tiredness to overcome lack of
relaxation and trance ability. Just because you feel the sensations of trance (ie, heavy
body feeling) it does not mean you have attained deep physical relaxation. Many people
do this and think they have found a handy short cut, only to find conscious exit projection
virtually impossible. Most people, in this case, will fail right on the exit, because their
physical body is too tense.
The above is also why sleeping for a few hours first, then waking for a projection
attempt, works better for most people who lack relaxation and trance ability. The body
has time (sleep) to overcome it's sleep deficit and physical tension. This makes
projection much easier and is a good way to get early results with conscious exit
Physical relaxation:
I suggest sitting in a comfortable armchair, with good arm and neck support, and a
pillow under your feet. The pillow is necessary because when relaxed to a deep level,
supporting muscles in the feet will tend to relax and can cause some discomfort. If an
armchair is not available, use a high backed dining chair. It is possible to use a bed, but
falling asleep can be a big problem. If a bed must be used, I suggest laying on the back
(never the side) with hands and forearms held vertically above the bed, with elbows
resting comfortably on the bed. Adjust and vary this position slightly for comfort. This
position will reduce the likelihood of falling asleep.
Wear loose, comfortable clothing and bare feet (or loose socks) depending on the
local temperature. Tight clothing and shoes will cause discomfort with deep relaxation,
and will also restrict the flow of blood and energy.
Good posture helps a great deal with deep relaxation. Do not slump in the chair.
If good posture is used the body will be well balanced. Then, when a deep level of
relaxation is achieved, the body will stay well balanced and will experience no distracting [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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