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this without them. Already the females of the Pack were waiting for her to give them
orders. She didn t know what to tell them, although  Move out of my way seemed to be
quite effective at the moment. And thankfully she knew music and DJs because apparently
she was partnering with Zach to take over the club business from Yates and Casey.
Considering she had no idea what she was going to do with the rest of her life just the
week before, it was kind of startling to suddenly be  in charge of anything. Especially a
thriving business. She didn t want to disappoint them or Zach. But she especially didn t
want to disappoint herself. Deep down she knew she could do it. But that knowledge
didn t stop the panic from causing her to hyperventilate in the bathroom just 10 minutes
But maybe she couldn t do this. Maybe she shouldn t leave. Just because she could
suddenly shift into a wolf at will didn t mean she should leave what she knew best. It
definitely didn t mean she should change her whole life for some guy she just met. Hell,
they hadn t even gone on an actual date. Christ, did wolves date? And if they do date
where do they go? To dinner at a restaurant or just hunting down some deer? Nope.
Nope. She couldn t do this. She was nobody s Alpha Female. She d just have to tell Zach
to forget it. He could just take his big cock and go. Yup, that was the plan. Good plan.
That s how it started in the bathroom, and the hyperventilating was just about to begin
again when she felt Zach s arms snake around her body from behind. He kissed her neck
and pulled her close against him and suddenly it all felt right. He felt right. Him and his big
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 Ladies. He nodded at her two friends.  Hope you re having a good time.
They both nodded.  Great little party, Angelina offered with one of her dazzling smiles.
 Thanks. He snuggled closer to Sara,  Dance. Eat. Everything s on the house for you
two. He paused.  But please don t ask our Pack to fetch anymore.
Sara and Angelina cringed as Miki rolled her eyes.  It was just an experiment. Honestly.
She turned to walk away but crashed into her own personal shape-shifting stalker.  Hey,
Miki. Conall smiled,  I think you dropped this. He handed Miki the tennis ball.
 Dude! Zach barked.
Zach was so disgusted he walked away.
They were polite enough to wait until Conall followed after his friend, asking Zach to tell
him what he did wrong, before the three friends burst out laughing.
 No one is safe around you three.
Sara turned to find Marrec behind her. She threw her arms around his neck and hugged
him tight,  Thank you so much, Marrec. Thank you for everything. And she wasn t just
talking about the fight with the Pride. She was talking about the last 20 years.
 You re welcome. But are you trying to get me killed? Sara opened her eyes and saw
Zach watching her from 50 feet away. He definitely didn t seem too pleased.  Or maybe
you re trying to get yourself killed? Sara looked and saw Marrec s wife glaring at her.
Funny, the woman had made her graduation dress and invited her to every family event.
Now she acted as if she were some hooker on the street trying to pick up her husband.
Sara pulled away and looked at Marrec.  I can never come back here, can I?
 Sara, you ll always be welcome here. But never as Alpha Female.
Sara gave a half-smile,  So I can never come back here, can I?
Marrec smiled like a proud father.  That s my girl.
She stepped away from him.  Have a great time tonight. Everything is free for you and
your Pack. Enjoy.
 We will. He turned to head back to his mate.
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 I ll miss you. She whispered, knowing he would hear her. He nodded once and walked
 Are you okay? Angelina put her hand on her friend s shoulder. All three of them had
been close to Marrec, for varying reasons he was the only father the three of them had
ever known.
Sara took a deep breath,  Yeah. I ll be okay. She was feeling such a huge sense of loss
that she wondered how she could face the rest of the night.
Miki appeared at Sara s elbow but she was glaring at Angelina.  You know, I wasn t
doing anything wrong. Clearly she had been arguing with Angelina in her head for the last
10 minutes.  Just seeing what their play-drive is like. That Conall guy clearly has a big
 They re not dogs, you idiot.
 Um& I know you didn t just call me an idiot.
 Um&  Angelina imitated back,  I think I just did.
Yup. There went that sense of loss. Sara realized that when she left the next morning there
would be no tearful goodbyes with these two. This wasn t goodbye. These crazy women
would always be her best friends. Besides, you never get rid of friends like these. They
follow you to hell so they can torture you for eternity.
When Angelina poked Miki in the shoulder with one manicured fingernail, Sara left. Zach
had disappeared, but she followed his scent into the woods.
Zach leaned against a tree. He was about half a mile away from the rave. He was waiting
for her. And he knew she d find him.
He smelled her lust even before he could hear her coming. Shit. His dick went hard again.
 You runnin away from me already? Now that she d healed and become what she truly
was always meant to be, Sara moved with a grace and power that he found amazing. She
was truly becoming the ultimate she-wolf and loving every minute of it.
 Nope. Just trying to figure out how I could live in California all my life and never once
say  dude. But after hanging out with you three bitches for five days, I suddenly sound
like an idiot.
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She punched him in the shoulder.  Dude. That s harsh.
Sara grinned and Zach rubbed his eyes with the palms of his hands.  You re going to
make me crazy.
 It s a gift.
He decided to change the subject.  Your friends arguing, how long will that be going on
anyway? [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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