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had Avery felt more loved than when he d been by Maddox s side.
Maddox had given him everything, even before they d been lovers.
He d never rushed Avery into anything. He d helped Avery better
himself in more than one way.
Avery took a deep breath and met Maddox s gaze. The werewolf
was waiting quietly, patiently, as was his way. He would wait for as
long as it took, even forever. Avery saw it, right there in his eyes.
As if by miracle, the horrible tightness in Avery s chest eased, and
he smiled at his mate. Maddox smiled back, wiping a stray tear from
Avery s cheek.  There you go. That s my beautiful, sweet dove.
122 Scarlet Hyacinth
When the kiss came, it was kind and lovely, so much so that
Avery almost wept again. Instead, he melted against Maddox,
allowing the werewolf to do whatever he wanted. Maddox lowered
him onto the bed again, his weight pushing Avery into the mattress. It
felt good and safe, and at the same time so arousing. It felt right.
After that, there were no more words. They both turned into
beings of pure passion. Maddox released Avery s lips and proceeded
to kiss and lick every inch of Avery s body. From the hollow of
Avery s throat, to Avery s nipples and lower down, that wicked
tongue explored Avery s skin, driving him wild with lust. His hands
kneaded Avery s buttocks, a dry finger rubbing at the tiny opening of
his anus. There were no more fears and no more doubts, only
Maddox, his mouth, his scent, and his touch.
And then wet heat engulfed Avery s cock as Maddox started
sucking on the shaft. Avery threaded his fingers through Maddox s
hair, torn between fucking Maddox s mouth and allowing the rhythm
to remain mellow. It was just so good, lazy, unrushed, and perfect that
Avery never wanted it to end.
Sadly, the decision was taken out of his hands. Avery s body
finally protested the overload of pleasure, and orgasm exploded over
him, taking him completely by surprise. Maddox didn t seem too
shocked. He drank down most of Avery s offering, slicking his
fingers up with the rest. Slowly, Maddox inserted one digit inside
Avery s passage, fucking Avery with it in almost tentative motions. It
was not enough, and Avery gasped out,  More!
Maddox added another finger, all the while checking Avery s face
for any sign of discomfort. He scissored the digits inside Avery,
stretching him with excruciating care. Avery didn t need so much
prep. His body was already quite relaxed and more than ready for
intercourse. But still, Maddox took his time, only inserting the third
finger when he was absolutely sure Avery would have no problem
taking it.
Dove Me Tender, Dove Me Sweet 123
Through their bond, Avery sensed Maddox s need to show him
how beautiful a coupling between two men who loved each other
could be, to make Avery see his own worth. When faced with
Maddox s emotions, Avery had no defenses left. He surrendered
completely, already knowing that his body, mind, and soul inexorably
belonged to Maddox.
Just when he thought his mate planned to drive him crazy with the
slow torment, Maddox removed his fingers from Avery s passage. He
lifted Avery s legs on his shoulders, never looking away from
Avery s eyes. Maddox s prick then nudged at Avery s hole, much
thicker than the three fingers. Slowly, Maddox pushed in, and as
Avery s flesh yielded to the pressure, he couldn t help a small gasp. It
wasn t one of pain, though. No, their bodies fit too well together for
Avery to experience that. Oh, the burn was there, but it wasn t
unpleasant. Rather, it represented just one more thing that added to
the sensation of being taken, invaded, branded by Maddox s passion.
Ever so gently, Maddox slid home until Avery was fully impaled
on his mate s prick. Taking the wolf fully inside him almost seemed
like a miracle, and not only because Maddox was well endowed. The
feelings the act aroused inside Avery were too intense to be anything
but out of this world.
 God, baby, Maddox murmured,  you re so tight, like velvet.
The wolf took a few deep breaths, as if struggling for calm, his
muscular body trembling with the effort it took to remain still. Avery
licked his lips and whispered back,  Maddox, please& 
There was nothing more he could say. He was beyond words,
beyond thoughts. Thankfully, Maddox understood him. He pulled out
of Avery and thrust back in once again, angling his cock to hit
Avery s prostate.
They fell into a rhythm that was pure carnal perfection. Avery s
world dissipated around him, his entire being focusing on Maddox.
He moved with his mate, meeting his thrusts, pushing back, and
124 Scarlet Hyacinth
seeking more of the delicious invasion. Even if he d just come earlier,
he was already close to another orgasm.
Maddox didn t rush, keeping his thrusts hard and slow, drawing
out their lovemaking. And then, out of the blue, Maddox buried his
canines in Avery s neck. Avery could no longer withstand the sensual
assault. He found his peak just as liquid warmth filled his passage,
signaling that Maddox had come as well.
Pleasure exploded over him, reaching out to every nook and
cranny of his being. His mind was one with Maddox, and for a brief
moment, he saw himself through the werewolf s eyes, felt his mate s
love for him. He opened his heart, accepting it and understanding it,
for the first time allowing himself to trust that indeed Maddox would
never leave him. It was ecstasy that went beyond the physical and
seemed to go on and on. It was his own pleasure, and Maddox s,
joined into one. Avery couldn t even tell where he ended and Maddox
He didn t know how much time passed while he was lost in his
cloud of nirvana. He must have blacked out for a few moments
because when he came to, his mate was cleaning him with a wet
washcloth. Avery had no idea where it had come from, but as he
slowly began to recover, the question brought to mind something
different. Finally, his environment registered and he remembered just
what they d been doing earlier, before he d surrendered to his impulse
to retreat in Maddox s arms.
 We should go check up on the others, he said with a great deal
of regret.
Maddox shook his head and kissed his forehead.  No. I ll go. You
stay here and rest. You ve been through hell today.
Avery opened his mouth to protest, but a yawn swallowed his
words. He was, indeed, emotionally and physically exhausted.
Looking into Maddox s eyes, he relented. In the end, he could trust
Maddox to do what needed to be done.
 Okay, but you wake me if anything s wrong, he whispered.
Dove Me Tender, Dove Me Sweet 125
 Sure thing, baby, Maddox said as he covered Avery with a
warm blanket.  Now go to sleep. I promise I ll be right here when you
wake up.
When Avery drifted into slumber, he did so with a smile, knowing [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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