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be found, not now.
Perhaps in the spring, when thaw begins, but 
 But do you know where they are? Where to look for them? She hesitated, then
shook her head.
 No, majesty. Without warning, he pounced on her, pushing her back against a
tree and pinning her there. She tried to fight him off, but he gripped her
wrist with crushing strength.  Never lie to me again,
he said harshly. Her mouth went dry. She could feel her heart thudding against
her ribs, even after he released her and turned away. He was incredibly quick.
She realized she had underestimated him, misjudged him, perhaps completely.
Confused and embarrassed, she swallowed with difficulty and tried to amend her
mistake.  Forgive me, she whispered.
 You have judged me, insulted me, and now lied to me, he said, his voice like
iron.  Why should I
forgive you anything?
I will find another guide.
He started to walk away, but she ran after him.  Your majesty, wait! I didn t
mean to lie. It s just that searching for the eldin is a waste of time. They 
 It is my time to waste, he said harshly.  Mine, and that of the one I love.
How dare you decide such things for me?
 I m sorry, she whispered, feeling as though she d been struck.  I I have
been used to giving orders. I don t take them very well.
 It would seem you do not take them at all. If your father was a general, my
lady, I wonder you are
not better trained.
He could not have said anything that hurt her more. She shut her eyes a
moment, and forced her pride to bend.
 Please, she said, letting herself plead.  I would be honored to guide your
majesty anywhere. I just thought I 
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 You must give me your word never to lie to me again, Alexeika. I will not
tolerate it, not in anyone who serves me.
He spoke to her the way he might have spoken to a servant. Irritation flared
inside her, but she stamped it out. If he was really the king, he could speak
to her any way he chose, and she would have to accept it.
She bowed her head.  I swear my honesty, your majesty.
 Then on the morrow you will guide me to the eld-folk?
She hesitated.  I will take you where I think they might be found. I cannot
promise success. They no longer trust men.
 Then I shall find much in common with them, he said dryly.
She frowned.  If your majesty would but strike first at Grov, and proclaim
yourself there, the people would rally to you. And the eldin would come forth
from hiding. It would not be necessary to seek them.
 I have asked you to be my guide, not my adviser, he said firmly.  If I want
your counsel I will ask you for it; otherwise, my actions and decisions are
not yours to question.
She could not rein in her pride.  You misjudge me if you think I am some meek
maiden fit only for pointing you down a road, she told him plainly.  I know
this land, yes, especially the mountain and fjord country. But I know much
more that could be of use to your majesty, if you would but allow it.
 I have been trained in battle strategy.
He laughed.  Am I to be taught by a girl? Nay, my lady, you won t 
 Hear me! she said furiously.  Of course I do not intend to teach your
majesty simple battle skills, but do you know the Netheran style of fighting?
Do you know how to face Nonkind and sorcerelsl
Do you even know what they are?
 Aye, he said brusquely.  I do.
She realized she was offending him again, but she had to prove her point.  I
am not helpless. See these? She drew her daggers and held them out for him to
see.  I have slain the men who carried them.
One was a Grethori chieftain; the other was a Believer. I have used my
father s sword in battle. I have fought in your majesty s name, struggled to
keep your cause alive. There is a price on my head, as there was on my
father s. I tell you all this not to boast, but to show you the value of my
advice. Heed me, majesty, and let me guide you in more than following a
 You have been accustomed perhaps to giving orders in your father s camp, he
replied,  but you will not give them here. There can be but one leader among
us. If you are a true supporter in my cause, you will accept this. Well?
Alexeika felt as though she d been flattened again, and a mixture of
resentment and exasperation stirred her. After all, her father had trained her
to use her intelligence and abilities. She wasn t trying to compete with
Faldain; she only wanted to help him. But it seemed that wasn t what he
She had often imagined what it would be like if she were to ever meet him. She
believed he would instantly acknowledge her to be no ordinary woman, and he
would be grateful for her help. Instead, she had found herself reprimanded
harshly and put firmly in her place. It seemed her expectations had been far
too idealistic. He had a mule s stubbornness, and a poor grasp of his
kingdom s political situation.
Such a combination could be deadly. She should perhaps abandon him now, she
reflected, before she was forced to witness disaster.
And yet, she could not go. She had spent her life wondering what he would be
like. After she d seen the vision of him on the fjord, she had been infatuated
with him. Now that she d met him in person and felt the force of his charm and [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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